How We’re Different

Here are just a few ways that DOPF, P.C. distinguishes itself from other firms that practice
defense litigation
We Possess Medicolegal Expertise – Our attorneys have a very strong background in medicine, stemming from our roots as a leading medical malpractice defense firm. Our medical knowledge gives us a clear advantage when defending any case involving personal injuries. » Read more
We Go To Verdict – We take verdicts—and lots of them. We’re not just litigators. We’re seasoned trial attorneys who are comfortable going to court and fighting cases to conclusion.
We Have A Prestigious Reputation – Our reputation is well known in the courts of New York State. The opposition always knows that we’re willing and able to bring any case to trial and to verdict.
We Understand Complex Litigation – We’re experts in litigating highly technical matters that require a great deal of expertise in science, medicine and other related disciplines.
Pictured: A medical model of a human torso that was used at a trial involving spinal surgery.

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